Through the years we have acquired many things for free. The types of things we have found include tools, furniture, clothes, toys, decor, collectibles, construction materials and much more. The sources for these free things have included friends, family, roadsides, exploring old farms, freecycle websites, clean-out jobs, retail promotions and chance. Although there are probably hundreds of items we have acquired over the years, I will only be able to share a fraction of the things we already have. I will be sure to document all future finds.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Free Pallets

Our local Agway has pallets free for the taking! My husband will often stop in and pick up 8 to 10 at a time.  He got 8 last week and 9 today. We use them for firewood at the campfire and in the house woodstove and for projects. There are sites all over the internet with projects made from pallets. Some of the ones he gets are in very good condition. He just has to cut them apart a bit, but free firewood is a great find and saves money.

1 comment:

  1. So many amazing things can be made from pallets.... Somewhere there is a blog about a man who quit his job and collects free pallets, makes things and sells them =)
