Through the years we have acquired many things for free. The types of things we have found include tools, furniture, clothes, toys, decor, collectibles, construction materials and much more. The sources for these free things have included friends, family, roadsides, exploring old farms, freecycle websites, clean-out jobs, retail promotions and chance. Although there are probably hundreds of items we have acquired over the years, I will only be able to share a fraction of the things we already have. I will be sure to document all future finds.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Get Free Samples!

     The big trend of  extreme couponing is well known.  I use coupons but I do not go to the extremes that the "professionals" do.  I would like to, but I just don't have the time that is needed to organize the extreme savings.   I do like to get free things though.  I have started a "sample stash" with the things I can get for free from companies.  I think I will see how many I can get between now and the end of August and have myself a "Sample September."   
     One of the best  sites I have found is .  This is one of the companies that puts coupons in the Sunday papers. They are reputable.  Their website allows you to request free samples one time each quarter.  You can request all of the samples and coupons they offer each time.  I have done this twice so far.  It is so exciting to get my sample package in the mail.  One came today! The picture contains the samples from this site plus a few I got from other sources. Take some time to search online for other sources of freebies.
     Be sure to look for samples wherever you go too. One source for free samples is your Doctor's office!  At the dermatologist, we got some lotion samples.  At the dentist we got dental floss and toothpaste samples. Grocery stores also often have samples of food .  If you time it right, the samples can fill you up in place of a lunch!
     Be on the lookout and challenge yourself to find a free sample of something each week. 

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