Through the years we have acquired many things for free. The types of things we have found include tools, furniture, clothes, toys, decor, collectibles, construction materials and much more. The sources for these free things have included friends, family, roadsides, exploring old farms, freecycle websites, clean-out jobs, retail promotions and chance. Although there are probably hundreds of items we have acquired over the years, I will only be able to share a fraction of the things we already have. I will be sure to document all future finds.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Free Treadmill Just By Asking Around

My husband recently had knee replacement surgery and is going for Physical Therapy.  It was recommended that he do a little walking now and increase as he heals.  My son wants to exercise by walking but wants to do it in front of the tv.... so we decided we needed to invest in a treadmill.  After shopping online it occurred to me we couldn't afford one.  I work at a school and decided to send an email to all of the teachers from 4th to 8th grade and see if anyone had a treadmill for free or trade for an elliptical.  One teacher was willing to trade, but when I told her the elliptical did not fold for easy storage she said we could just take the treadmill.  My husband and son do not like the elliptical and it is not good for husband at this point. Sometimes all you have to do is ask around for something you need.  I am very appreciative to have received this.  

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