Through the years we have acquired many things for free. The types of things we have found include tools, furniture, clothes, toys, decor, collectibles, construction materials and much more. The sources for these free things have included friends, family, roadsides, exploring old farms, freecycle websites, clean-out jobs, retail promotions and chance. Although there are probably hundreds of items we have acquired over the years, I will only be able to share a fraction of the things we already have. I will be sure to document all future finds.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Free Firewood

The town crews have been cutting back the brush and overgrown trees on the roadsides.  They had been shredding the brush, but my husband talked to them as they were cutting trees on our property line.  He asked if he could have the wood.  They said they would cut it into lengths and leave it there for him.  They also said they would leave the big logs for him for the rest of the length of the road they were doing.  The pictures above are from trees near our house and up the road a bit.  He will check for more as the crews continue.  This will be a lot of firewood we will have for winter.  We like to heat with wood and have never purchased wood!  This, along with a large tree we had to cut down in our front yard will provide enough for next winter.  We are always on the lookout for trees down and you will be surprised that people will give you things if you ask.

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